Collective Worship

Limited Spaces Available In Our Hazel & Birch Classes, For Years 1 & 2 

 Contact us for more information or to arrange a visit.

Lydiard Millicent Church of England Primary School


As a Church of England school serving the local community, we are conscious of the need to develop a realistic spirituality. At Lydiard Millicent CE School we offer a daily act of Collective Worship, for all children, the majority of which, are mainly or wholly of a broadly Christian character, reflecting the broad traditions of Anglican Worship, in accordance with the Trust Deed.

Worship themes around our Christian values are planned to foster the pupil’s spiritual development, experience awe and wonder, to promote willingness to reflect on their own experiences and those of others and to learn about the life and teachings of Jesus.

We are privileged to welcome pupils to our school from all faiths and none and from diverse cultures and lifestyles. Our collective worship is open to all, providing an opportunity to share in an experience which is emotional, reflective and invites the community to explore life through the lens of our vision and values. Pupils and adults are invited to engage in worship without compulsion and in a way that never compromises their integrity or dignity.

Worship is led by the Head Teacher, members of the teaching staff, visiting clergy and pupils from our school. We aim for our worship to be creative and inspirational by giving our pupils opportunities to listen to and act out stories, to listen to music and sing, pray and have time to reflect. From time-to-time worship takes place in the classroom and the children are given opportunities to reflect on our school Christian values. Pupils will be encouraged, when appropriate, to help to plan and/or lead worship.  This may take a variety of form, including being encouraged to ask and answer questions; act or mime a story; reading poems, prayers, and stories; exploring artwork or leading the music/singing.

These are the past and upcoming values 

Spring 2 – 2023 Justice

Summer 1 – 2023 Friendship

Summer 2 – 2023 Truthfulness

Autumn 1 – 2023 Generosity

Autumn 2 – 2023 Compassion

Spring 1 – 2024 Courage

Spring 2 – 2024 Forgiveness

Summer 1 – 2024 Service

Summer 2 – 2024 Respect

Autumn 1 – 2024 Thankfulness

Autumn 2 – 2024 Trust


Should you wish to remove your children from all or part of Collective Worship, following a discussion with the Head teacher, a letter of confirmation must be submitted. An alternative activity would be provided under the supervision of an adult.

Remembrance Service

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact the school office if you have any questions, either by phone or email.


  • The Butts, Lydiard Millicent, Swindon, SN5 3LR