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Religious Education

RE Intent

As a school, it is our aim to instil a love of RE in all our children.

We provide an interesting and varied curriculum that intrigues, motivates and challenges our children.

From EYFS up to the end of KS2, the children will be taught about a range of world religions, together with humanistic beliefs. As a CofE school, Understanding Christianity is central to our RE programme.

We will make sure the core knowledge to be taught is clearly specified.

Children will develop their critical thinking skills and reflect on the similarities and differences between religious beliefs and practices.

Children will show an understanding of how belonging to a faith provides guidance for their everyday living and respond empathetically.

We will utilise opportunities to link RE to other subjects, with particular emphasis on literacy skills (speaking and listening, reading, writing) and art.

We will ensure staff have the appropriate training to deliver our RE curriculum effectively.

  • To enable the children to develop their understanding for a range of different beliefs, religions and worldviews.
  • To enable children to agree or disagree respectfully, recognising that different people have different beliefs, both religious and non-religious, and that these should be respected.
  • To develop children’s knowledge of different places of worship, and where these are located in our community.
  • To recognise that different religions have different stories and individuals that are of key importance.
  • To help children become familiar with different religious celebrations and festivals throughout the year, and notice similarities and differences between these.
  • To inspire and enthuse children about the vibrant multicultural and multi-faith community of which we are all part.
  • To develop our children as critical thinkers, empowering them to demonstrate courageous advocacy and develop their spirituality.
  • To enable children to make connections between religions and develop their cultural understanding and respect.

RE Implementation

Our curriculum will encompass the Discovery RE and the Understanding Christianity to ensure all knowledge of RE are being taught across all year groups.

All staff will use assessment for learning to ensure progress during lessons and across the themes.

Through our teaching, including the use of religious artefacts and visits, we will motivate our children to find out more about different religions.

We will support all children as appropriate so that everyone can access the curriculum.

We will provide additional challenge to children where appropriate to develop their skills and knowledge beyond the expected curriculum requirements.

Where repetition of skills or knowledge is required, these will be clearly identified

The yearly overview show both coverage of Understanding Christianity and the Discovery RE. This outlines the big questions that are explored each term for each year group. The children have weekly RE sessions and sometimes whole days focusing on topics.


RE Impact

Children will enjoy RE and RE experiences and will want to find out more.

The children will be encouraged to research independently to further their own enjoyment and fascination about the topic or subject (e.g. through homework activities or independent research).

Evidence of work will show secure knowledge coverage and development, with cross-curriculum links and supported work where necessary.

Clear reflections of their own beliefs and an awareness how believer’s faith impacts on their everyday life.

A good understanding of different faith practices and beliefs will result in tolerance and understanding of the differences in our society (tolerance and understanding = key British values)

Standards in RE will be high.

Subject Leaders and SLT will monitor the subject by looking at work, displays and by talking with children.

Religious Education

Religious Education lessons take place in all classes from Reception to Year 6 for a period of one hour each week. In Key Stage 2, this will be one lesson whereas in Key Stage 1 and Early Years, this can be taught as two half-hour sessions.


The whole school follow an agreed syllabus that incorporates both the Discovery RE programme and the Understanding Christianity resource. As a Church of England School, the coverage totals approximately 60% of Christianity teaching and 40% of World Religions teaching.

Evidence of children’s learning:

For every unit of work, there must be evidence of learning for all weekly lessons. It is anticipated that this will be a combination of written, pictorial and photographical evidence found in both the children’s RE books and the class Worship books.

We have visitors from other faiths in RE.  This is a piece of Holi art work was made with a Hindu visitor.

We visit All Saints Church to enhance out Christian teaching and learning.

Rev. Tudor Roberts visits school regularly.

We use the school grounds to enrich our RE curriculum.

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Please feel free to contact the school office if you have any questions, either by phone or email.


  • The Butts, Lydiard Millicent, Swindon, SN5 3LR